2:00 - 5:00, April 10, 2000, 61 Highmont Court, Kanata, On, K2T 1B2


Attenders:	     		    Apologies:
*Sally Start, Nat.Dir.Alpha.Can     Bob Horsey    KAIPC Chair 	
Dave Atkins, Asst.  ARA      	    Rev.Archie Hunter  ARA	  	
Ken Keiwan, Asst.  ARA		    Cindy Detombe		  
Alice Keiwan				
*Rev. Brian Wilkie,Dom Chalm UC 
Jennifer Bulman      	        
Graham Raynes       	        	
Lorraine Raynes      	        	
*Chris Slojewski, Lift Jesus Higher  
Ray Brule		            Attenders at dinner:
Father Carl Reid		    Pat Horsey		  
Beth Skanes			    Jill Allen, Dominion Chalmers UC    
Dick Trumble				+ *All marked thus
Peter Runia			
Gord Walt			
Ed Plett 			
*Laurie-Ann Copple,  Rec sec	
*Tony Copple   KAIPC Secretary  591-3903

NB: since our last meeting, Dave Atkins has been appointed by Rev Archie Hunter as an assistant Alpha Regional Advisor for Eastern Ontario. We offer Dave our congratulations and thanks for the work he is doing

Taken by Laurie-Ann Copple

Songs of Praise were led by Jennifer Bulman, to whom our grateful thanks are given.

Opening prayer led by Tony Copple

  1. Review of Minutes of October 12, 99 meeting,
    and status of actions arising

    Some of the discussion included: Welcome Wagon and Christmas in the City.
    Tony reported that Welome wagon cannot give Alpha publicity unless all faiths are included. However, Ed had an idea that Welcome Wagon may agree to give us the names of new residents, so that we may contact them. He also reported that there was a very positive response to the Alpha booth at the Christmas in the City last November 19. Some other responses were amusing, such as thinking the Alpha videos were a new software package. Response to the cooking page continued to be positive. Dave Atkins added that Alpha magazines have been placed in Centrum Chapters to give wider access to the community. Additional copies of the paper can be sent from Cook Communications or request (see Alpha Ottawa W website).

    Motion: Tony Copple moved that the minutes be accepted as presented. Seconded by Lorraine Raynes

  2. Membership of KAIPC
    All Alpha Course leaders and helpers in the Ottawa Region are invited to consider themselves KAIPC members. Tony said that he would also be happy to advertise Alpha groups throughout the Ottawa region on the web page. We intend to expand our influence so that by Jan 1, 2001, with the Greater Ottawa City amalgamation we will have become, by default, the primary Ottawa Alpha publicity group and will change our name to Ottawa Alpha Publicity Committee.

  3. The view from Alpha Canada
    Sally Start,
    National Director for Alpha Canada
    Sally reported on her attendance at the first French Alpha Conference in Montreal the previous week (at Congrégation de Notre Dame). There were 360 in attendance, 30 of these Protestant, 330 were Roman Catholic. She said that it was a breakthrough for unity, and for the spread of Alpha in French Roman Catholic areas. She also reported of two new Alphas in Quebec to come - one in Quebec City and the other in Montreal.

    Sally reported that there are currently 1100 Alpha courses in Canada, and new ones may register through the Alpha Canada website or the 1-800 telephone number. This includes the Alpha home groups. She stressed the need to keep the list current, so that inquirers more easily find courses suited to them by location or time.

    Concerning the Alpha Millennium Day of Prayer, there are 45 official event locations (more if others would officially register). Tony reported that the local ones are at Glen Cairn UC for Ottawa, Holy Trinity Anglican, Pembroke and St.Pauls, Almonte on April 30. Sally reported that Nicky Gumbel had encouraged Alpha Canada to have a national initiative, but Sally shared that this would be difficult because Canada is so vast. However, regional initiatives may be possible. A regional initiative would include 'blitzing' the local communities to publicize local courses.

    Growth potential: The three key areas for Alpha growth are seen as:
              The Roman Catholic church
              Student campuses.
    Alpha Canada is holding an Alpha for Catholics conference in Burnaby, BC, July 7-8, 2000, and Nicky will be the keynote speaker. Concerning the prison outreach, there are now 25 prison courses running in Canada, and the HTB prison team will be at the Burnaby conference and at the one that follows in Detroit. (In UK, 113 out of the total of 125 prisons run Alpha). There is a new introductory video - "The God Who Changes Lives" - featuring Paul Cowley, leader of the ‘Alpha in Prisons" initiative. It includes his testimony as an ex-convict, and can be used as an alternative to "Christianity, Boring, True and Irrelevant?" The Lord is moving interdenominationally in the prisons through Alpha.

    Sally reported that there is much potential for the Christian youth movement at the current time, and that there is a high percentage of new Christians who make their commitment by age 20. The national student advisor for Alpha Canada is affiliated with University of Western Ontario in London. There was a discussion among KAIPC members about the effectiveness of Youth Alpha, which includes a live presentation instead of videos. Sally reported that HTB did not run a Youth Alpha at first, but in time gathered information from UK youth pastors.

    Sally announced that there will be T-shirts, sweat shirts and stickers made available by Alpha Canada. Another project in the works is generic Alpha 'business' cards that include the Alpha logo, a blank space for the local course/name, and a paragraph about Alpha.

    Ottawa Alpha conference 2001: Sally strongly suggested that KAIPC and the Ottawa area churches should have a conference in Ottawa. It would re-energize current Alpha churches and encourage others to start courses. It would be important to check other Christian venues so that there is no conflict. Sally encouraged that ten churches in the Ottawa area could be enlisted, with each contributing $100 seed money (thus showing commitment). The attendees from these churches would get in for half price.

    ACTION: Archie and Assistant ARAs

  4. Feedback was requested by Sally on what the local Alpha groups/leaders need.
    Gord Walt related that he was concerned about how to reach the traditionalists in our churches. He (and others) have sensed barriers within our churches based on what some people wrongly believe Alpha to be about. Chris Slojewski used his example with Jesus Gathers His People (shortly to be renamed "Lift Jesus Higher") to suggest to us to pro-actively approach the community instead. JGHP has created an Alpha Course in a Vanier soup kitchen, with great results. Tony felt that Alpha graduates may not realize how influential they could be if they spread the word about Alpha. Lorraine Raynes encouraged the group to keep approaching people despite these hurdles and to urgently step up prayer for Alpha groups and potential attenders. Sally echoed this need and encouraged us that HTB's success in Alpha is mainly because there are intercessors praying for the participants at the same time (and in the same building) as the course.

    Discussion continued about many (church) people's misconceptions of Alpha. Peter Runia reported that his pastor had run the Introductory Video as a sermon for the whole congregation, with good results. We reminded ourselves that Alpha is essentially friends bringing friends, the most efficient method of marketing, and that there is unlimited potential for reaching the unchurched.

  5. Alpha Millennium Day Of Prayer, April 29: status of arrangements
    Dave Atkins handed out the revised Millennium Day of Prayer agenda, and Ken Keiwan reported on its format in a synopsis version. Jennifer Bulman reported that the music has been chosen along themes within the Day of Prayer format. Tony announced that CHRI (99.1 FM) will advertise the event - both in the free community calendar and in 30 half-minute ads on the radio. The cost of the adverts is $250, which will be paid for by the Eastern ON Alpha. Sally also asked that an official photographer be found so that photos could be sent to Alpha Canada.

  6. Taking ALPHA to Retirement Homes for Seniors -
    Graham and Lorraine Raynes

    Lorraine and Graham gave an account of recent activity aimed at starting Alpha in retirement homes. Lorraine said that retirement homes were more appropriate than nursing homes due to the short attention span of the more ailing seniors. One such opportunity is in Stirling Place, 2716 Richmond Rd.

    Lorraine's mother is a resident and the others there know Graham and Lorraine. Many of them are not elderly, and are quite open to hearing the gospel. Graham received the Holy Spirit's direction about that place - and that Sundays would be very possible. They already have a Bible study, a chapel and Sunday mornings available. They have breakfast together at their retirement home, thus there would be no cost to the course for residents. The attention span for the residents is about one hour (for mornings) so it would suit a shorter version - Alpha. Graham is hoping for the coordinator-chaplain to help lead Alpha, who is very enthusiastic about it.

    Brian Wilkie was encouraged by this report and shared that he has many Dominion-Chalmers people in Stirling Place. Perhaps they could be encouraged to share with other residents about the Alpha course, because they would be known and trusted. Lorraine also shared that she wants to play the logistics of this Alpha course by ear, in a way that fits in with their lifestyle. This includes the format of the Holy Spirit weekend. The course may have to be extended instead of having a special weekend. Sally using a format similar to the "Workplace Alpha" - in which there could be a morning retreat.

    Tony reported on the potential of Kilian Residence in Kanata Lakes. Despite initial red tape, he was able to connect with a friend, Gerry Hogan, who is in change of recreational programs, and is an Alpha graduate!. A tentative start date of May 29th has been suggested, with the course targeted at the staff as well as the residents. There are 30 staff (many part time) and 53 residents.

    Peter Runia also shared that he and his wife are hoping to have an Alpha course at another retirement home located at 220 Viewmount Seniors’ Home (Nepean). His wife is the administrator.

    As we draw closer to these start dates, we will be approaching local alpha leaders for help on these courses.

    ACTION: Lorraine, Graham, Tony

  7. Local Alpha intercessory prayer groups:
    Laurie-Ann Copple reported on the Kanata Monday night intercessory prayer meetings for Alpha people that have been going on since the resolution at the last KAIPC meeting Oct 12,99. Generally the meetings are at Glen Cairn United Church, but there have also been prayer walks around churches in Kanata (those with Alpha courses), and around places where the Holy Spirit weekend would be held, and the homes of friends. There is prayer by name for people on Alpha and Beta courses, for helpers, leaders and their families. All Kanata Alpha graduates are welcome to join these meetings, including occasionally.

    Chris described the remarkable initiative of Lift Jesus Higher, currently systematically prayer walking throughout Vanier, East end of Ottawa, the location for their soup kitchen Alpha. (It is well worth your time to read about this at www.magma.ca/~jghp/friday.htm

    Laurie-Ann talked of her experience as a seminary prayer co-ordinator with prayer walks and leadership of prayer groups, and introduced us to her current prayer walk project currently in planning, Harvest Kanata. Sally recommennded having intercessors pray for Alpha groups on site at the same time as courses are in progress (however this would need more prayer warriors to be available).

    It is our hope that more intercessory groups spring up around the city, and that more people take advantage of them and attend for regular prayer.

  8. Holy Spirit refresher day, Pentecost 2000, 17 June, 2000
    A one day "train the trainer" Spirit Teach-in.
    Archie Hunter has agreed to lead this.
    It was decided that June 17 would be a better day than June 11, the actual Pentecost date, due to schedule conflicts. Will all who read this, with any future responsibilities for Alpha leadership, very seriously plan to attend. Please forward info about it to your Alpha leader friends.

    ACTION: Archie and Assistant ARAs

  9. Beta courses: experience in the region
    There was a discussion of the official follow-up groups to Alpha. These include "A Life Worth Living" and "Searching Issues." Tony reported on the Beta group he leads in a home group setting and that the intimacy of it was beneficial. This one uses "A Life Worth Living." Father Carl Reid shared with us the flavour of his Beta group, which was built upon Searching Issues with added issues. Sally had an idea of having an Alpha group and a Beta group sharing the supper and worship time and then attending their own videos and small groups. She also shared that there is a long term strategy behind the follow up groups (which are not officially called Beta). HTB tried an official Beta which didn't work in their setting. However, "Life worth Living" groups are about establishing a deeper relationship with the Body of Christ. Sally also encouraged us that there may even be pre-Alpha groups - such as Marriage preparation courses. Dave Atkins reported on the two 'Beta' groups at Kanata Wesleyan - one at the church and the other in a more intimate home group setting. A suggestion was made of another course named "Experiencing God" by Henry Blakovyne. Brian Wilkie encouraged us that although Beta is a follow-up, it should still be sufficiently evangelistic to draw people in.

  10. Alpha Ottawa West Website
    Webmaster Tony reported on the Web Site www.ncf.ca/alpha/ and emphasised the value of e-mail in the work of KAIPC. Everyone is urged to read their e-mail from us and to check at least the Noticeboard on the web site every week or so, though the whole site is in a state of continual change. We are quite open to adding additional Ottawa courses to the website (bearing in mind we have a link to all the Anglican courses.) It is important that course leaders inform the webmaster of the dates of their upcoming courses. We recommend all course leaders create e-mail lists for all course members, and forward to them all broadcast messages from KAIPC, particularly after the course is completed. In this way we remain a continuing link to past graduates.

  11. Financial report
    Tony reported briefly on the amount of money in the KAIPC bank, and inviting donations from any church that feels we fulfill a useful function.

Closing prayer
Tony led the closing prayer, including prayer for Sally, and also for Dave Atkins' injured arm.

Following the meeting, a number of us went out with Sally for dinner, where we were able to relax and continue to enjoy her company. Sally invited KAIPC people to come to the July 7,8 Vancouver conference and said that billetting would be available.

Minutes taken by Laurie-Ann Copple
Written up April 22, 2000

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