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Kanata Community Alpha Course

Sept 24 - Dec 10, 2002
All events are on Tuesday evenings, 6:20 - 9:30
except the weekend retreat
The following schedule may change...

Date Topic Master of Ceremonies Worship Team Head Cook
Wed Sept 18
Training for all leaders and helpers N/A N/A N/A
Sept 24 Talk 1 - Christianity: boring, untrue and irrelevant? Tony, Bob N/A Laurie-Ann
Oct 8 Talk 2 - Who is Jesus? Tony Gord, Heather, Walt Laurie-Ann
Oct 15 Talk 3 - Why did Jesus die? Claudio Chris et al Geri
Oct 22 Talk 4 - How can I be sure of my faith? Les Gord, Heather, Walt Nancy
Oct 29 Talk 5 - Why and how should I read the Bible? Bob Chris et al Sandy
Nov 5 Talk 6 - Why and How do I pray?
St. Paul's
Claudio Gord, Heather, Walt Laurie-Ann
Nov 12 Talk 7 - How does God guide us? Claudio Chris et al Nancy
Holy Spirit Weekend Retreat at Gracefield Camp
Friday Nov 15
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Talk 8 - Who is the Holy Spirit? Les Chris et al N/A
Sat Nov 16
9:30am to 7:30pm
Talk 9 - What does the Holy Spirit do?
Talk 10 - How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
Talk 15 - How can I make the most of the rest of my life
Tony, Claudio Chris et al N/A
Nov 19 Talk 6 - Why and How do I pray? Bob Gord, Heather, Walt Geri
Nov 26 Talk 12 - Does God heal today? Les Chris et al Sandy
Dec 3 Talk 13 - Why and how should we tell others?
St. Isidore's
Tony Gord, Heather, Walt Geri
Dec 10 Talk 14 - What about the Church? Claudio Chris et al Nancy
Dec 17 Celebration: "Why Christmas?" Bob Gord, Heather, Walt, Chris et al ? Laurie-Ann
Group Leader Co-Leader Helper(s)
Red Claudio Rey Rebecca Brading Ann Baker
Blue Anne Sturgeon Adrian Fisher Chris Sturgeon, Tim Parris
Green Les Johnson Jeff Brading Pat Horsey, Mary Rae
Orange Tony Copple Donna Burlock Laurie-Ann Copple


Adrian Fisher, Laura Welch, Tony Copple, Bob Horsey, others?

Catering/Lead Cooks

Laurie-Ann Copple (591-3903), Nancy Robertson (836-8226), Geri Coffin (599-9701), Sandy Pinhey (271-1112)


Lorna Brule 257-4587

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