7:00, November 16, 2000, 61 Highmont Court, Kanata, On.


Attenders:	     		    Apologies:
Bob Horsey    KAIPC Chair 	
Dave Atkins,  Asst.  ARA      	   Rev. Archie Hunter,  ARA	  	
Peter Runia		  	   Ken Keiwan, Asst. ARA		    		  
Laurie-Ann Copple,  Rec sec	
Tony Copple,  Secretary  591-3903
Alpha - "An in-depth overview of the Christian faith"

Opening prayer led by Dave Atkins

It was MOVED by Peter Runia and seconded by Dave Atkins that the Minutes of April 10, 2000 meeting be accepted as presented. Carried.

A.   Change of committee name
There was a discussion on whether the name of KAIPC is still relevant, since Kanata will be amalgamated into the new city of Ottawa in January, 2001. Tony said that we have been moving steadily to larger implied coverage in the web-site, originally Kanata, then Ottawa West. There was a caution that a new name would be acceptable as long as there are no other active groups calling themselves Alpha Ottawa (we are unaware of any).

There was a discussion on the actual wording of the committee name, especially over the word promotion instead of publicity, since we do more than publicity.

It was MOVED by Dave Atkins and seconded by Tony Copple that the new name of the committee will be the Ottawa Alpha Promotion Committee. Carried.

B.  Alpha Conference for Ottawa?
The last Alpha conference in Ottawa was in 1997. There were 900 people in attendance, with Nicky Gumbel and the HTB team leading. We are unable to have Nicky lead us again, since he only comes once. Should we promote an Ottawa conference for 2001?

Tony read an e-mail provided by Ken Keiwan concerning Alpha Canada’s view on holding a second in this city. According to a report from Susan Cockburn (Events Coordinator for Alpha Canada), it can be very beneficial to have an Alpha conference in the same city two or three times.

Susan’s e-mail included these comments:
"I am aware that an Alpha conference happened in Ottawa in 97 with the HTB team. I think that the second (even third) Alpha Conference in an area can draw the same or a larger crowd than the first conference. Often the first Conference really ‘prepares the ground’ for the next event. It is amazing to me how many people still have not heard of Alpha and often those who attended the last conference can, I believe, be instrumental in encouraging others (greater numbers) to attend an upcoming conference. In the US, many of the conferences held this year were held in the same city the year before and will be held again in those same cities in 2001. In greater Vancouver we had an Alpha conference in July 2000 and had 1400 delegates.

I think Alpha is still very new to Canada and that there is still much room for growth. We would like to identify three to four locations in Ontario where we could have Alpha conferences. Ottawa, Thunder Bay were tentative locations we wanted to ‘feel out’ and Brampton is another, now confirmed (Bramalea) for May 2001.

Ultimately, we want to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading in this as we are looking for Him to confirm any direction we take. If there is a sense in the area that the Lord is leading in the direction of another Alpha conference, we want to be obedient to that and provide whatever support we can. However, if the local sense is that this is not God’s timing then this is important for us to know." [End of Susan's message.]

We also have the support of National Director Sally Start (see minutes of previous meeting).

Peter suggested that we could ask Archie if he’d have anyone in mind to nominate for a subcommittee. Dave shared that Ken and Archie would be glad if OAPC would take up this work ourselves. We could invite Archie and Ken Keiwan to run seminars or workshops at the conference, without burdening them with organizing duties (in view of the extensive Alpha work they’ve already done).

There was a discussion about who the keynote speaker would be. However, later information indicates that Alpha Canada would provide all main speakers.

Tony asked how much the conference could cost. He reminded the committee of Sally Start’s suggestion that each supporting congregation donate toward the conference. He explained that it would be good to let all the churches know now so they can put it in their 2001 budgets. Tony suggested that $150.00 per church would be a good number.

The probable timing of the conference is October 2001, to give time for organizing.

Tony reminded the committee that those who attended the Holy Spirit teaching day in September wrote whether they would attend and/or help in any upcoming conference. We need to check this to see who can help.

Bob suggested that we need a sub-committee. Tony suggested that we should liase with Susan Cockburn. Dave reminded the committee that the date of the conference is up to us, and a sub-committee can work out these things. Ken might be a source of advice based on his experience of the last conference.

We must call a meeting of anyone who may be interested in forming an initiative committee to help. Tony has some lists to contact people. This would include Alpha participants as well as leaders. Dave suggested that we can check the Alpha Canada site for contacts. Also of the 30 churches in Ottawa who are registered with Alpha Canada, there are twice that number that are not registered.

Tony asked who pays the airfares of a visiting Alpha team and Bob stated that the Alpha country HQ does. Laurie-Ann asked if the visiting team would need billeting - yes. Enthusiasm was expressed unanimously about he upcoming conference.

It was MOVED by Tony Copple and seconded by Dave Atkins to take the next step towards a decision on an Ottawa Alpha conference in 2001. Carried.

ACTION: For OAPC to liaise with Susan Cockburn, Events Manager for Alpha Canada, and Elaine Young, Events Co-ordinator for Eastern Canada, and to bring our proposals to a wider audience in Ottawa to allow local Alpha leaders to express commitment - or not.

C.  Report of Alpha in retirement homes
Tony and Bob reported on the Alpha course that was led by Bob and Pat Horsey, Tony and Laurie-Ann Copple from May to August 2000 at Kilian residence in Kanata. This course was held on Monday nights where we attended dinner with the residents generously provided by Kilian. The participants were different every week. Some rules of presenting Alpha were ‘broken’ for this context, bearing in mind of some of Archie’s advice concerning intermittent attendance of Alpha videos. Archie had advised that "if you can have just one person seeing one video, it is worth it."

There were good discussions each night. Much ‘ministry’ went on during the meal, even with non-participants. We also visited with seniors before and after the meals (we were invited to one of their apartments to see original art work). The average attendance was about three or four per night. We had about nine people for the healing night, which went very well. The participants liked the videos, and we found that despite their age, they had a good attention span.

Tony reported that he wrote up the experience for the web page, and also sent it to Alpha Canada to help others.

D.  Report from Alpha intercessory prayer group
Laurie-Ann and Tony reported that the prayer group is over a year old now, but has not met during the last month or so, due to conflict with timing. Originally the group met on Monday nights, but had to change the time because Glen Cairn’s Alpha course had to be rescheduled for the same night. Laurie-Ann hopes to re-start it when Monday nights are again free. Tony reported that our web prayer page is getting bigger and bigger and read excerpts of this page. What seems to be happening is a prayer community on the Web. Tony also shared his vision of connecting different Ottawa intercessory groups together. He suggested that as prayer groups springing up, it would be helpful to list them on the webpage. Dave shared that there would be an intercessory audience available, since when Shirley Smith from TACF came up to teach on intercessory prayer, 150 people were in attendance.

We want to emphasize to every Alpha course leader the importance of intercessory prayer. Tony and Laurie-Ann could help teach this in future.

Dave shared a story of a KWC intercessor who prayed in the church while the Alpha course was going on. She suffered severe attacks for all ten weeks. Laurie-Ann reported that when the Alpha prayer group prayer walked around KWC, all involved (directly or indirectly) suffered attacks. Dave Atkins was having eye problems, Laurie-Ann was ill, Tony had a car accident, Pat Horsey had a difficult day etc. However, there was confirmation that God did something wonderful with those particular course participants. Peter Runia related of a similar experience at his own church. They’ve been under constant attack since they are on the front lines.

E.  Report on ‘Beta’ courses
Peter Runia reported that his church is having their second ‘Beta’ course, using the "A Life worth Living" videos. The first group used the book, the second is using the video. Spin-off home groups have started, using ‘Experiencing God’, and hopefully ‘Heart of Revival’ and ‘Challenging Lifestyles’ will be used in future. They run Beta and Alpha on the same evening and same time. They share the meal and worship, and then go to separate rooms to see their videos and have discussion.

Peter also reported that it is difficult to find Alpha and Beta leaders, since it is a ‘reverse’ leadership. Many leaders who have been to seminary or are long term Bible study leaders have to lead completely differently from how they have in the past.

F.  Report on the Alpha Millenium Day of Prayer and the Holy Spirit mini-conference
Tony reported that both events were very good and relatively well attended (about 90 for the mini-conference). The Spirit Weekend is the climax of Alpha, yet there are "Alpha courses" which leave it out. The importance of the weekend was clear enough to all attenders, helped by very perceptive questions from the floor.

Pictures of these events are on the web page and clearly show the enthusiasm of the audience. Audio recordings were made of both events and numbers of tapes have been sent out on request (obtainable from Tony). The recording of the Holy Spirit mini-conference in an excellent resource for anyone planning their Spirit weekend.

G.  Financial Report
Bob reported that OAPC had $421.30 plus interest on hand. There was a discussion of finances and the preparation and cost of cooking meals for the Alpha courses.

H.  Reports from local Alpha courses
a) Holy Spirit weekends
Tony and Bob reported on the shared Holy Spirit weekend of Glen Cairn United and Trinity Presbyterian Churches at Stewart House in Pakenham. It was the first time Trinity had held the Holy Spirit weekend away from the church, and it was reported that it was more intimate for the participants and leaders. Bob also shared that "God came through." He said that it was a radical change for Trinity to use the format suggested in September’s Holy Spirit teach-in (using only three videos). They switched off the video before Nicky invokes the Holy Spirit and instead, Pat Horsey led the invocation and had 2 on 1 ministry. Pat or Bob went up to each Trinity participant for individual ministry. Since the participants were approached by leaders, there was a higher level of participation. Pat and used the same model as Alice Keiwan’s music ministry at the Holy Spirit teaching: that of having quiet LIVE worship music during ministry (Jennifer Bulman, Henry Troup and Laurie-Ann Copple sang and played quietly in the background).

Bob reported that the weekend was subsidized, so the fee for each Trinity participant was $50. Many stayed overnight. There are 23 single beds, mostly in double and triple rooms. There were 12 participants. For Trinity it was the eighth course, but the first away from the church. For Glen Cairn, it was the fourth course, but the first for a sleep-over (the third course weekend was at Kanata Lakes Golf Club). This venue scheduled an extra meal and some personal time so that people weren’t too tired.

Meals, and local admin
Dave reported that KWC has had to cater their meals (due to lack of kitchen facilities) so it is subsidized by the church. Therefore there can only be one Alpha course a year due to high cost.

Bob reported that Trinity runs Alpha courses twice a year.

Tony reported that St Luke's on Somerset (where Tony and Laurie-Ann were asked to present Alpha to the congregation) used the pot-luck concept to cut down on expenses and save work for the people in the kitchen.

Tony reported that four courses are running in the Kanata area, with others (like St Paul’s Hazeldean) taking a break from Alpha. Almonte is doing well in their course.

Bob reported that Alpha has spread to Holy Redeemer (RC) from Trinity through Trish.

c) Need to ‘pray in’ participants
Dave reported that their Alpha at KWC declined until they had intercessors praying at the same time as the courses. Also, he and Carol were led to ‘pray them in’. Previously with little prayer and on their own advertizing power, they had 6 participants. The next course they prayed together seriously, with little publicity, and 45- 50 participants contacted them. What Dave discerned in direction from the Holy Spirit was, "Lean on Me.’

Dave was advised by Archie that often the first courses’ attendance is high, and afterwards dips down really low. However, with PRAYER to push through, breakthrough does happen. Laurie-Ann reported that this is a common pattern with many ministries and she encouraged that endurance is needed in prayer for a breakthrough. She advised of the acronym P.U.S.H: to "pray until something happens."

d) Re-packaging of Alpha
Dave suggested that if people can get up the courage to invite their Christian and non-Christian friends, this would help. Alpha grads should be ambassadors for Alpha. Bob also agreed that alumni testimony is essential.

What may be needed is to re-word the introduction package as "An in-depth overview of the Christian faith" instead of ‘introduction.’ The word introduction is not catching people’s interest.

Pastoral support is also needed. At KWC, Pastor Ian Dunn took the course. He endorsed it enthusiastically in the services after the Holy Spirit day. He talked of the anointing that was still in the sanctuary after this venue. This witnessed to many who haven’t yet taken the course.

e) Publicity - in synch with an Alpha Conference..?
Dave reported that even with the publicity that has been done, Alpha is one of the best kept secrets in town.

Tony showed the group the "Smiling Girl" from the London Ontario Alpha courses. We can model one for Ottawa from this promotion.

Dave suggested the use of some seed money for advertising on buses (the kind inside the bus) and benches. The benches cost $1400 a year, which could work well if we find a prominent location.

Laurie-Ann suggested advertising in elevators (a company that advertises on CHRI does this). Two other possible avenues are the pre-show (NCN) slides at AMC theatre in Kanata and a poster in one of the showcases in the theatre. Tony suggested that an Alpha course poster could be used in this venue.

Dave also suggested a regional advertising initiative low cost banners from each participating church on their lawn. These could be as durable as the election signs. He also reminded the group that it often takes three invitations to potential participants to come to an Alpha course. Bob said that he likes the bus stop idea as well as bus ads above the windows inside the bus. Little bus ads are the cheapest and often most effective due to the captive audience inside the bus.

I.  Report from Regional Advisors for Eastern Ontario
Dave reported that in early September, there was a massive mailout, using the Promise Keeper’s method - that of a letter to the pastor, a colour brochure, and a business card inviting them to call. Out of 200 responses, there was only one response so far (although the others may have had a seed planted in their hearts).

They prayed over all of the envelope stuffing, and each one was specifically addressed. The final results are to come. Telephone follow-up should follow.

Tony told of a similar venture that he did with Mary Wells to blitz Kanata non-Alpha churches. There was no response, however, Henry Gunnick, pastor of Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, became enthusiastic, took the course at KWC and passed this on to his own congregation.

Tony asked why ministers are cool on Alpha. Dave responded that some may feel threatened if they are not involved. It is important that there is some pastoral involvement.

There was a discussion over Alpha graduates’ involvement at Kanata Wesleyan, Trinity and Glen Cairn United. It triggered new ministry opportunities, and gave more life to their lay leadership.

J.  Alpha in Prisons
Captain Robert (Bob) Stewart of the Church Army has asked for two volunteers for ministry in the minimum security facility on Innes Rd (as well as the maximum security facility). He sent a letter by e-mail (included below) which may have been sent to the thirty churches listed on the Ottawa West Alpha site.

His phone numbers for future contact are: OCDC (613) 824-6080, home (613) 594-5606 (he has an answering machine), cell 293-0176.

An excerpt from his correspondence with Bob Horsey is as follows:

"For the past three years Alpha has been offered to the inmates of Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre. We have recently completed the eighth course and are ready to offer Prison Alpha course number nine. Both inmates and volunteers have been blessed by Prison Alpha. Volunteers often find Prison Alpha is a highlight of their week. Each week some inmate is touched by the Spirit of God and takes one step forward in their spiritual journey.

One team consisting of Gary, Wendy and Carole are about to begin Alpha for men in Minimum Security. They could benefit by having one or two more volunteers join them on Saturday afternoons from 1:30 to 4:30.

I am also looking for a few good volunteers to form a second Alpha team to offer Alpha to men in Maximum Security. These inmates have been charged with serious offences and are facing federal time.

Please pass this information along to your Alpha groups. I believe the right people will be called by God and will say, "Yes, I’ll reach out by reaching in - in OCDC!" Thank you for prayerfully considering this."

Dave reported that Wendy Sinclair is volunteering there and LOVES it. There are 6 - 8 participants at this time, and it is ‘taking hold.’ She says it is the highlight of her week.

Tony reported that he has an audio tape testimony of an ex-convict, taken from the Holy Spirit Weekend Teaching audiotape, who talks powerfully about Alpha and his conversion in prison. This tape was used to good effect on the recent Holy Spirit weekend shared between Trinity and GCUC.

Dave reported what the OCDC is like and how it is going . He said the results are ‘rippling’ through. A concern has been expressed through Chuck Colson’s ministry that 80 per cent of offenders who become Christian do NOT find a church home. Alpha connects them, but they need more when they leave prison.

St George’s also has a prison ministry and welcome graduates of the Alpha course into their fellowship. It breaks the cycle and gives them a ‘home’. Bob Stewart brought two ex-convicts to the Holy Spirit teach-in in September.

Dave reported that he liked Archie’s encouragement of the Prison Alpha - even with a different format with no meal and no worship (it disturbs the other prisoners). Yet, it still works! Archie said he blessed what they are doing.

Dave shared that not all prison opportunities are doing well. There is interest, but we have to link the resources and people together. Dave asks for our prayers on this.

K.  Other Business
Tony showed the group the audio tape he picked up from Holy Trinity Brompton when he and Laurie-Ann visited the UK in May. He reported on meeting Nicky personally, on a night when he was leading a service celebrating a new Alpha course, with Tony’s mother in attendance. Nicky spoke on John 3:16, and this tape could be useful for promoting Alpha here. Tony’s mother also responded favourably and began to read Searching Issues after she asked Tony and Laurie-Ann questions.

Bob shared his experience of an Alpha that was attempted in a Montesorri school (in a work environment for the teachers) that had no meal. This particular one did not work, and stopped after a few weeks.

Christmas in the City - Tony reported that there will be no Alpha booth Christmas in the City in Kanata this year; the City decided to have another community group for this year.

Answers to prayer - Dave reported that after everyone prayed for him at the last meeting, his elbow was healed.

Action - Laurie-Ann to include spring advertising in new item on next meeting's agenda

L.   Change of committee name
Closing prayer and adjournment
Laurie-Ann led the closing prayer.

It was MOVED by Tony Copple and seconded by Dave Atkins that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.

Minutes taken by Laurie-Ann Copple
Written up December 5, 2000

Alpha Ottawa