Ottawa Alpha Conference Planning Meeting
Oct 16, 2001, Dominion-Chalmers United Church
Conference dates: 26, 27 October 2001
Organization chart

Alpha - "An in-depth overview of the Christian faith"



Eric Angel      Conference Chair	 		   	
Nick Lee        Chair of Organizing Committee	
Chris Allen     Administration Team Head	
Jill Allan	Dominion Chalmers
Jenny Moore     Registration Team Head		
Harry Baker	Hospitality Team Head
Chris Slojewski "Lift Jesus Higher"
Don Krull	Worship leader
Atha Kelly	Prayer Team head
Tony Liuzzo	Networking team
John Wright	Stewarding Team Head
Tony Copple	Publicity, & recording secretary
Distribution of Minutes: All Ottawa area Alpha leaders, plus:
Elaine Young, our Alpha Canada Events Co-ordinator
Vernon Robertson, Alpha Canada Roman Catholic Advisor
Rt. Rev. Peter Coffin, Bishop of Ottawa
Rev. Dr. Allen Churchill
Rev. Martin Garniss, Senior Minister, Dominion-Chalmers United Church
Carol Kauk, Ottawa Anglican Cursillo
+ The Alpha Ottawa Website and the Conference site

  • OPENING PRAYER - John Wright
  • THE MINUTES of the Oct 2, 2001 meeting.

  • Reports
    Jenny Moore (Registrar)
    - Registration is at 134 with 40 "in transit" (incl ~20 volunteers).
      Anticipating ~250 delegates (this number will be used for catering).
      Any volunteers not yet registered should do so asap.  Despite requests for 
      people to send cheques with applications, some have not yet sent cheques and 
      are asked to do so asap. 
      Jenny provided a list of non-payers (eg security volunteers).  
      [By Saturday Oct 20, Jenny had a figure of 227 known to be expected for 
      the Saturday dinner, including speakers etc].
    - The last day to send applications for guaranteed entry to the conference is 
      Monday Oct 22, so that our caterers will know numbers in sufficient time
      We will not accept applications for people willing to miss the Fiday dinner
      since it is a vital element in the process of the conference.  Neither will
      we accept reduced price applications from people wishing to come for less than 
      the full conference.
    - Jenny will leave for UK Oct 26 following the recent death of her father.  Mark
      Poulain will take her place during the conference.  Tony Copple's phone number
      591-3903 will be used for back up to answer telephone enquiries in the event  
      that Jenny needs assistance at this time. Our official fax number is Tony's.
    - Registration kits - Jenny has all the materiald from Cook incl Alpha pens. 
    - The Welcome-registration-enquiry desk will remain (wo)manned throughout the 
    Nick Lee (Org Chair)
    - Ran over a list of items not to be forgotten
    - Billetting of visitors.
         Sally Start      - Tony & Laurie-Ann Copple
         Ray Scanlan      - Dave Atkins
         Vernon Robertson - Tony Liuzzo
         Heather Goudreau - Hazel & Bob Buckingham (confirmed Oct 19)
         Lawrence Rae     - Bert Hopkins
    - There will be a Dominion Chalmers sexton on duty the whole time of the 
      conference at our disposal. DC Church have no objection to our paying the 
      sexton an honorarium in view of the work that he does and will do for us.
    - The facilities will be opened at 7.30 am both Friday and Saturday.
    - In process of reviewing the organizing budget.
    - We have decided not to use the coat area at the entrance to the church.
      We cannot guarantee that someone would not walk in off the street and
      take something.  We will therefore advise participants to take their coats 
      into the sanctuary.
    - The provision of all manner of supplies from soap to coffee (including
      breath mints and tissues for ministry team) is in hand.
    - Seminars will run from 1:30 - 2:45 on the Friday.  When people arrive on 
      Friday morning they will be asked to drop their choice for the seminar 
      they will attend in one of 7 boxes. Based on these numbers a decision 
      will be made as to which of the 7 allocated seminar locations will be 
      used for which seminars.  Notices will then be put up accordingly on the 
      seminar locations.  The arrangements for taping of seminars are proving 
      problematical. We hope to solve the problems.
    - Several committee members undertook to loan overhead projectors. Seminar
      leaders are asked to familiarize themselves with audiovisual equipment
      provided to them before they are in front of their audience!
    - We now have the 2-day program sheet showing minute-by-minute timings. This
      is extremely useful for all organizers and vulunteers. It was distributed  
      by e-mail to our Alpha leaders e-mail list on Oct 20. Tony Copple can be 
      e-mail further copies on request.
    Tony Copple  (Publicity)
    - CHRI interview with Bishop Peter Coffin Oct 17. Don't miss it!
      (If you did, it's on the web site in streaming audio, as is Allen Churchill's
    - The CHRI 60 second ads are in full swing, featuring snippets of the above
      interviews. A total of 72 spots will be aired by midnight on Monday Oct 22. 
    - Christian News Ottawa has a full article, picture and Ad in the October issue.
    - Bob Harvey called and said he was trying to get an article in the Citizen.
    - We decided against an ad in the Citizen.
    - Tony is also organizing a VIP luncheon to be hosted by Sally Start on Oct 27 
      at 1 pm.  Location is the parlour (Room 8).  
    John Wright (Stewarding)
    - Reviewed the status of volunteers. Despite some resignations we should have
      enough to handle 250 visitors with ease.
    - Volunteer training will be given at Dominion Chalmers from 6 - 7 pm Thursday
      Oct 25.     
    Tony Liuzzo  (Catholic liaison)
    - Is aware of several churches likely to be sending delegations to the conference
      that have not yet registered but will.
    Don Krull (Worship Leader)
    - Loudspeaker rental will be $70.
    - Laurence Rae needs a lapel mic.
    - All music is selected and the music powerpoint presentation is prepared.
    - There will be a sound check session Thursday evening.
    Harry Baker
    - Discussed the provision of lunches for speakers and other workers
      The decision was that trays with meals will be placed in the Team Room
      (Room 6).  There will be 40 lunches on Friday and 30 on Saturday. They will
      be for speakers, Alpha Canada staff, Cooks staff and helpers, volunteers
      serving meals, coffee and snacks at breaks and meal times. There will be a 
      basket for contributions to help defray costs.
    Eric Angel
    - Eric undertook to arrange and print letters of welcome from our co-chairs to
      go into the registration kits
    - Will push hard at the Anglican Synod event this weekend for more registrations
    - Is preparing a multi-denomination e-mail to go out this weekend
    - Dress is casual
    - Will ask all delegates to turn off cell phones 
    Chris Allen 
    - Have not yet received $5k cheque kindly donated by Dominium Chalmers.  
      [Later iformation indicated it would have been received by Chris by
      Friday 19 Oct]
    - Finances are reasonably healthy
    Atha Kelley
    - Ongoing, on-site prayer
    Final Progress Meeting: Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:00 Noon
                     Colonnade Pizza (Gilmore / Metcalfe)
    Closing Prayer:  Tony Copple read a message of encouragement from 
      Mike Rushton, organizing chair of the 1997 Ottawa Alpha conference 
      (Mike we thank you). 
    - Your prayers are also asked for Peg O'Connor, who as our Stewarding 
      Head until three  weeks ago did superhuman work recruiting almost 
      all of our volunteers.  Peg undergoes cancer surgery on Nov 29 at 1 pm.  
      I just spoke with her and she sounds fine, and continues her devoted 
      prayers for the conference.
    Minutes taken by Tony Copple
    Posted Oct 20, 2001

    Ottawa Alpha Conference
    Alpha Ottawa