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Alpha course offers peace, contentment and friendship

By Laurie-Ann Copple
Originally published in the
Kanata Kourier-Standard
on September 6, 2002

During my several years of helping run Alpha courses as cook and musician, I have seen lives changed. Where Alpha guests were confused and searching, they came to know peace and contentment, even if they still had questions.

I took the Alpha Course in 1999, and although I didn't have the searching questions that I once did, I was new to Kanata, was newly married, and was lonely for new friends. My first Alpha course was led by my husband Tony, and I was the cook (which was something most brides love to do), and I was welcomed by not only the others on the course, but also the Alpha leaders throughout Kanata and Nepean. Since Alpha is supported and run in churches of many denominations, we came to know and love people in different churches throughout the area, and it became a loving community.

So although the Alpha motto may be "Got questions? Get Alpha" for me it was "I need to belong here" and it was through Alpha that I came to belong to Kanata.

The welcoming and caring atmosphere as well as the food are only two of the reasons why Alpha guests keep coming back throughout the course, since fostering community is one of the aims of Alpha. The main reason is that they are learning things that they had never fully understood before about crucial aspects of life. One of the videos, What about the church? helps to explain the importance of Christian community as being more than buildings, and stresses the importance of loving Christian friendships and ministry with one other.

As Tony and I became more involved with Alpha people, we were drawn into deep friendships that began to 'root' me into Kanata. In time, I found I was no longer homesick for Toronto (where I lived and studied before I was married). Instead, I was home among the Christian community in Kanata. In the past year after Tony and I became local Alpha advisors, we discovered that same sense of love and Christian community when we were part of the July 1-4, 2002 International Week at Alpha's birthplace: Holy Trinity Brompton in London, England.

So although the Alpha motto may be Got questions? Get Alpha, for me it was I need to belong here and it was through Alpha that I came to belong to Kanata.

This fall I will be again cooking, playing and ministering on the Kanata Community Alpha at the Mlacak Centre on Tuesday evenings, with an introductory evening on September 24 [2002 - ed]. The introductory evening is a chance to sample Alpha before committing to the 10 week course. There is no charge for Alpha, but we do invite people to contribute $5 towards the food if they can afford to do so. We would love to welcome you to this novel way to explore the Christian faith, and promise that you will have fun while learning and building friendships with other course members. Alpha is endorsed by all major Christian denominations. The registrar is Lorna Brule, 257-4587, or you can print a registration form from the Ottawa Alpha Website at - look for Kanata Community Alpha. Tickets for the introductory dinner are available from several Kanata locations (details from Lorna). If you have already done the course, why not get some tickets and invite your friends. It's roast turkey.


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